Chili Cheezy Sauce

One can never have too many vegan cheeze sauce recipes.
At least this has been a basic belief of my cooking life since going vegan years ago. I have, like many, tried a ridiculous amount of cheeze recipes. Whether it's been for trying to recreate the mac & cheeze we grew up on or just to have something comforting, there is bound to be a recipe out there. But sometimes, you just want to create your own magical mixture. 

This recipe was the result of alchemy on a cold autumn night, when all we wanted to eat was nachos. As one does. 

I needed something creamy and slightly spicy and for me this fits the bill.
well ok, it's not spicy, but it's at a slight enough level that my family will also eat it. Feel free to add in more chili powder or even some hot sauce. Make that shit sizzle. 

Miracle of miracles, my kid likes it too. Really, she isn't a fan of most vegan cheeze creations but this... she tried to steal the blender away to eat the sauce.

1/2 cup cashews, soaked in hot water for 1-2 hours
1 cup diced sweet potato
2 medium sized carrots diced
3 Tbsp nooch
3/4 cup hot water
1/2 cup unsweetened soy milk
1 veg stock bullion cube
1/8 Tsp salt
1 Tsp garlic powder
1/2 Tsp cumin powder
1 Tsp chili powder
1 Tsp yellow mustard

So first up, you need to do your prep. Make sure you soaked your cashews and diced your veggies. Honestly, having it done before starting makes it easier. Put the sweet potato & carrots into a pot, cover with water and bring to a boil. Cook until they are fork tender, then strain & throw into the blender. Drain your cashews and throw them in too. Add in all the remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. 
If you find the sauce needs a bit more liquid then add in a splash or two of the soy milk, until you have the consistency you desire. 
As I stated above, my kid likes to eat it straight from the blender, but it also works on noodles, veggies (broccoli & cauliflower,) nachos, taco stuffing, chilli, and literally anywhere you could use a cheezy kick. 


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